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Message From Athletic Director

Bridgehampton is committed to the development of each student’s physical well-being and full human potential. From grades 7 to 12, the Athletics program inspires students to pursue competitive team sports, furthering friendships, building character on and off the field and promoting school and individual pride. For those who participate in interscholastic athletics, the experience is as much a part of their education as any other subject in school. 

History of the Bee

Dear Parents(s), Guardians(s), and Students:


I thought it would be helpful for you to have a list of the sports available for our students.
Numerous studies have clearly shown that student’s involvement in athletics will lead to improvement in
academics, as well as, improved self-esteem. In addition, students develop personal living skills.

Skills such as discipline, cooperation, leadership and responsibility are all components of a quality athletic program.
It is my hope that our students will continue to take advantage and get involved in athletics. Also, it
would be exciting to see students that have never participated in a sport to try a new activity.

I ask that student-athletes please have all completed paperwork to me prior to the starting date of any
given sport (Physical, Parent Permission Slip, Emergency Information Card, Health Update and Signed

All pertinent documents can be found on the school website or by contacting me personally.
Please feel free to call me at school with any questions and or concerns. If you wish to participate in a
fall sport, please have paperwork completed and left in my office by the start of the season.

Students will always need a health update card prior to sport participation if 30 days have passed since their athletic

Have a great summer; I look forward to the school year.



Michael DeRosa
Athletic Director