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Middle States Reaccredidation Goals

Middle States Reaccredidation Goals

Middle States Goals: 2019-2026

Approved by the BOE on May 26. 2021:

Resolved that the Board of Education of the Bridgehampton UFSD hereby reaffirms the following goals for the 2019-2026 school years in accordance with the Middle States Accreditation Process.

Goal: Student Performance

1. The Bridgehampton School Community is committed to the development of curricular and participatory offerings (courses and activities) that challenge students intellectually, and offer opportunities for life experiences within an environment where communication, problem solving, collaboration, and creativity is facilitated as we assure that our students are college/career ready.

Goal: Curriculum Alignment

By 2026 the Bridgehampton school community will map all curriculum areas (K-12) and assure full understanding of and alignment with New York State Next Generation Standards. This process will assure initial development of curriculum maps as well as implementation of a curriculum review process that maintains the curriculum maps as living documents that guide instruction and assessment. Evidence of success will be measured by completion of the posting of the curriculum maps on the website, and evidence of teaching teams using the curriculum review process and presenting updates and suggestions to the Board of Education as indicated on the curriculum review schedule.

2. The Bridgehampton School Community is committed to ongoing, continued improvement in literacy and numeracy skills of our K-12 population through the use of data-based decision making, through the ongoing development of our Response to Intervention processes, procedures, and interventions in the district.

Goal: Student Achievement & College and Career Readiness

By 2026, the Bridgehampton School Community will improve student achievement by enhancing instructional teams through the development of K-5 and 6-12 data teams. These data teams will review assessment, attendance and behavioral data with a goal of increased student achievement. Data teams will meet monthly and provide updates at faculty meetings, as well as provide specific recommendations and strategies to teachers and/or teaching teams that will lead to improvement. Action plans will be developed to incrementally improve student achievement and attendance. Evidence of success will include minutes of data meetings, evidence of increased numbers of students in grades 3-8 reaching levels 3 and 4 on state testing, higher percentages of students scoring above 80% on Regents exams, and more students reaching levels 3 and 4 on AP exams, improved attendance rates.

3. The Bridgehampton Stakeholder community is committed to the improvement of facilities so as to enhance learning, encourage wellness, offer access to 21st century technology and to create and maximize space for instruction, conferencing, student services, and storage to allow for students to engage in hands-on learning, problem-based activities around local and global issues.

Goal: New Facilities

By 2026 the Bridgehampton School Community will be maximizing the use of the new space provided through the approved 25 million dollar building expansion plan. The goal of this committee will be to keep the Board, Staff, students and school community updated on the building project in terms of overall progress. This will be the first closed loop geothermal school building as well as the first Gold Level Leed certified school on Long Island. The importance of communicating this to the public will go a long way in assuring continued community support for the school. Evaluation of progress will be through Facilities Committee minutes as to the extent to which we remain on track with the 5-year plan and with the building project.

4. The Bridgehampton School Community is committed to the improvement of communication through the improvement of our website, with a focus on ongoing, real-time communication with stakeholders.

Goal: Communication

By 2026 the Bridgehampton School Community will enhance internal communications, while simultaneously continuing solid external communications that have proven to reap many rewards. This team will work to enhance communications of Board to Staff, Administration to Staff and Students, Teachers to Students, Teachers to Teachers and Students to Students with an overarching goal of assuring strong collegial and congenial relationships that will improve and enhance the strong family atmosphere we encourage and celebrate at Bridgehampton School. Evidence of success will be determined through the use of school climate surveys collected periodically (at least annually) to measure forward movement on the goal.