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Two Bridgehampton Seniors Awarded Rotary Scholarships

Two exceptional seniors have been honored with scholarships from the esteemed Southampton Rotary. thumbnail259767
Two exceptional seniors have been honored with scholarships from the esteemed Southampton Rotary. thumbnail259769

In a moment of pride for Bridgehampton High School, two exceptional seniors have been honored with scholarships from the esteemed Southampton Rotary. Alexis Davis and Sheily Ruiz Soto, whose commitment to learning and dedication to community service, emerged successful after a rigorous selection process. Both Davis and Ruiz Soto presented compelling essays on their backgrounds and future aspirations, followed by engaging interviews with Rotary members. Their well-deserved recognition by the Rotary underscores their exceptional qualities and promises a bright future ahead. This is the second year ever that Bridgehampton students have been awarded scholarships from the Southampton Rotary.

Date Added: 6/17/2024