Purchasing and Accounts Payable
2020-2021 Purchasing Cut Off Dates
May 1st – Final date for any requisitions to be submitted for any 20-21 expenditures of any type. This includes supplies, conferences, trips, equipment and end of the year activities. Items will be approved based on any funding left for 20-21.
May 15th – Deadline for requisitions for purchases for any Summer Programs in order for the items to be received in time.
June 1st – Last day for any purchases to be made under open 20-21 Purchase Orders. If you did not use a Purchase Order and we can liquidate it, please let the Business Office know.
June 15th – Deadline for all outstanding 20-21 reimbursements for which a Purchase Order was already in place. (Tuition, Mileage, etc.)
July 2nd – Deadline for any purchases using grant funds that expire on August 31, 2021